
-Fixed issue where the player could leave the hallway during the encounter.

-Fixed the choke landing the player in the middle of the ground

-Fixed the boss getting stuck in a state.

-Fixed the boss not triggering her actions

-Fixed the boss not spawning her minions

-Fixed monster AI not chasing after a certain distance.

-Fixed being able to run during the choke

-Fixed master volume not affecting children


-Credits at end

-Quit to menu after end

Thoughts/Future plans:

I'm feeling pretty good about the progress I'm making. When I initially posted the first build I really wasn't happy with where it was at. I made so much content that ultimately either had to get scrapped or was locked behind bugs. But I've been working hard to get the game to feel as good as possible and remove some of the bugs preventing you from finishing the game, which I can say I've done! as of now you should be able to access the ending! 

I am limited by what I can do as after the deadline is over I can't add any more content, otherwise of course I would be adding a lot of content and polish, but I'll do what I can. 

After pushing this I will of course continue to work on bugs, but from now on the patches will be less frequent but there will be significant performance improvements and accessibility features in the future. I am hoping that after this week the streaming patch will be done and more people will hit 60+fps at max settings.

But yeah, thanks everyone for playing, it's keeping me going!


Dec 02, 2021


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